Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is an ancient healing modality that involves the manipulation of the body’s soft tissue in order to achieve relaxation and/ or rid the body of the pain and toxins.

Massage can be relaxing or therapeutic depending on patients’ needs.

Nowadays there are many different forms of massage therapy around the world, from ancient techniques to modern methods integrated with a more scientific approach.

The earliest applications of massage therapy can be traced back to Egypt. Around 2000 BC, ancient Egyptians worked on the hands and feet in order to achieve a therapeutic effect for the whole body.

Chinese ancient literature, Huangdi Neijing, also mentions different massage techniques and how they can help in treating bodily injuries as well as many internal diseases.

During the middle ages, massage techniques were brought to and became widely used in Europe.

In modern times, massage therapy is widely accepted worldwide. Many different countries and regions have developed their own regulations regarding the profession.

In Canada, massage therapy is regulated in four provinces including BC, ON, NL and NB. In 2012, the four provinces have established inter-jurisdiction standards. In provinces that have not formed a regulation, massage therapists who have obtained an RMT Certificate are still under the management of the national association.

How can one benefit from massage therapy?

In modern society, most jobs require us to perform numerous repetitive movements or remain in the same position for long periods of time, such as:

  • sitting: software developers, office clerks, accountants; drivers;
  • standing: sales representatives; chefs, waitresses;
  • carrying, lifting: warehouse workers;

Persons involved in sports may also suffer from sports injuries at some time during their life.

All these occurrences can take their toll on the body and result in overworked, tight muscles and sore joints in the long run. Excessive work and stress can lead to a build-up of tension, anxiety, headaches, insomnia, circulation problems, etc.

Known benefits


Massage therapy generally provides relaxation by reducing muscular tension and associated discomfort. It also relieves tension-related headaches and eye strain and promotes deeper and easier breathing. The specifically designed atmosphere during a session aids in anxiety and depression relief and relaxation enhancement. With regular massage treatments, one may develop a sense of calm and well-being, better concentration and creativity, increased job performance.

Health Maintenance:

Massage helps to enhance soft tissue elasticity and joint flexibility, re-establish proper muscular tone, improve circulation of blood and lymph, strengthen the immune system and promote cellular metabolism.

Patients may experience a more restful sleep, increased energy levels and greater joint flexibility and thus- more range of motion.


Massage therapy provides a therapeutic effect for treating many types of injuries and musculoskeletal conditions, such as strained muscles, sprained ligaments. Even more, it provides post-injury rehabilitation and post-operative repair.

By improving one’s circulation, we help bring more nutrients and oxygen into the tissues and organs. When our circulation is activated, the body’s self-healing process begins, leading to a better state of health.

At the College Clinic, we practice varies types of massage therapy, including:

Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic Massage is performed to release pain and tension, maintain muscle flexibility and get rid of the scar tissue. Patients healing from an old or new injury may experience great benefits from regular therapeutic massage treatments.

Relaxation/Swedish massage

Swedish Massage is the most common and well-known type of massage therapy in the West. Contrary to Asian massage, which utilizes the concept of energy and meridians, it is based on Western theories of anatomy and physiology. The Swedish massage techniques are aimed at achieving relaxation, maintaining muscle flexibility, and detoxifying the body by promoting circulation.

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage is another form of a Swedish massage. It is a soft tissue manipulation that aims at releasing pain and tension from the muscles and fascia. It can be used for administering injury recovery, whiplash, and treatment of many chronic pain conditions. Some research has shown that, compared to conventional medical remedies, deep tissue massage is more effective and less expensive in relieving chronic pain caused by inflammation.

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