In traditional Chinese medicine, there are six meridian channels that flow through the arm and wrist. Since Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is an existed condition, regardless of the cause, it has already blocking energy flowing through the wrist and may require acupuncture points from all six meridians to smoothen the energy flow. The moment energy starting to flow freely, the healing begins.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment
Early treatment is the key to most disorders and extremely true for patients suffering from CTS. Prolonged and untreated CTS may eventually lead to surgery in order to prevent permanent nerve damage.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is common and more often than not patients came to us after the operation has performed and pain restarted, however, the by-product from surgery such as scar tissues may not always be treatable and definitely irreversible. At Huatuo Clinic, we recommend people with CTS contact us and begin to have acupuncture treatments as early as possible.