The Benefits of Acupuncture for Addiction
The Doctors at Huatuo clinic use Traditional Chinese medicine techniques and philosophies, to bring your beauty regime to a new level without invasive treatments.
The Doctors at Huatuo clinic use Traditional Chinese medicine techniques and philosophies, to bring your beauty regime to a new level without invasive treatments.
Our updated operation hours for the upcoming holiday season are here.
December 24, 2020: closed
December 25, 2020: closed
December 26, 2020: closed…
Having a unique integrated background in both Western sciences and Traditional Chinese Medicine Dr. Lee has a very unique approach to clinical practice. Specializing in the areas of pain management, mental health, and fertility, Dennis strongly emphasizes the importance of preventative medicine as an integral component of treatment.
Mohamad Almaqtari holds a Doctorate of Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine. He practices a form of Acupuncture that is Gentle & Noninvasive, yet very effective and balanced. He is not a proponent of using pain to treat pain, his treatments are painless. All Mohamad does is help steer your body towards homeostasis.
Acupuncture is uniquely suited to modern life because it directly affects the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of the human brain. When all of these systems are treated simultaneously healing occurs from within.